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Shogi - surte de ajedrez japones

How to Play Japanese Chess

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the initial array of shogi (Japanese chess)
Pronounced “show´ gee” (hard “g” as in “geese”) is the traditional chess of Japan. Modern shogi is approximately as old as modern western chess (what we call chess), about 500 years old. The game is probably derived primarily from Chinese chess, xiangqi, but also has interesting similarities to Thai chess, makruk.
The pieces are arranged symmetrically, as shown above. You will notice that there is slight variation in the calligraphy from one set to another. Smaller sets and diagrams (as shown below) usually use simplified or alternate characters. By comparing the pieces shown above with those that follow, you will begin to acquaint yourself with some of the possible variations in calligraphy.
Similarities to Other Forms of Chess
Like other forms of chess, the object of shogi is to force capture of the opposing king — to put him in checkmate. The two players alternate, moving one piece in each turn, using the characteristic moves of the various pieces. Some of these moves are the same as those found in western chess — some are different.
Unique Features of Shogi
1) The opposing armies are not indicated by different colors, but by orientation on the board. Note that each piece always points toward the opponent.
2) All of the pieces, except for the king and gold (described below), may promote to gain new powers. The promoted value is on the flip side of the piece, and is often shown in red calligraphy, usually written in a cursive style.
3) What makes shogi truly unique among chess forms is this: On a player’s turn to move, he may, instead of moving one of the pieces on the board, choose to place one of the pieces he has captured back into play.
Details of these rules are given later; but first — the pieces:
The Pieces and Their Moves
Below are given the names of the pieces in western terms (for the convenience of the western chess player), their Japanese names and meanings, and the moves of each piece, both before and after promotion.

the king 'o-sho, gyoku' jade or great general in shogi (Japanese chess)
, “O-Sho,” and “Gyoku,” 
Jade General and Great General :

Moves exactly like the king in western chess: one space in any direction. The player must always move in such a way that this piece is not threatened with capture. If he can not, the game is lost.
move of the king 'o-sho, gyoku' jade or great general in shogi (Japanese chess)
Move of the King
the gold 'kin-sho' or gold general in shogi (Japanese chess)
Gold, “Kin-Sho,” Gold General:
One space in any direction except back-diagonal.
The gold does not promote.

move of the gold 'kin-sho' or gold general in shogi (Japanese chess)
Move of the Gold
the silver 'gin-sho' or silver general in shogi (Japanese chess)
Silver, “Gin-Sho,”* Silver General: 
One space diagonally or forward.

the promoted silver 'narigin' in shogi (Japanese chess)
Promoted Silver, “Narigin”:
Moves the same as the gold.

move of the silver 'gin-sho' or silver general in shogi (Japanese chess)
Move of the Silver

move of the promoted silver 'narigin' in shogi (Japanese chess)
Move of the Promoted Silver
the knight 'kei-ma' or laurel horse in shogi (Japanese chess)
Knight, “Kei-Ma,” Laurel Horse : 
One space forward, plus one space forward-diagonal. Like a western chess knight — but only forward. This is the only piece allowed to jump over other pieces in its path.

the promoted knight 'narikei' in shogi (Japanese chess)
Promoted Knight, “Narikei”:
Also moves the same as the gold.

move of the knight 'kei-ma' or laurel horse in shogi (Japanese chess)
Move of the Knight

move of the promoted knight 'narikei' in shogi (Japanese chess)
Move of the Promoted Knight
the lance 'kyosho' or fragrant chariot in shogi (Japanese chess)
, “Kyosha,“ Fragrant Chariot : 
As many spaces as desired, but only forward.

the promoted lance 'narikyo' in shogi (Japanese chess)
Promoted Lance, “Narikyo” :
Again, the same move as the gold.

move of the lance 'kyosho' or fragrant chariot in shogi (Japanese chess)
Move of the Lance

move of the promoted lance 'narikyo' in shogi (Japanese chess)
Move of the Promoted Lance
the bishop 'kaku' or angle goer in shogi (Japanese chess)
Bishop, “Kaku,” Angle Goer :
The same move as the western bishop: as many spaces as desired in any of the four diagonal directions.

the promoted bishop 'ryuma' or dragon horse in shogi (Japanese chess)
Promoted Bishop, “Ryuma,” Dragon Horse : 
The move of the bishop or the move of the king.

move of the bishop 'kaku' or angle goer in shogi (Japanese chess)
Move of the Bishop

move of the promoted bishop 'ryuma' or dragon horse in shogi (Japanese chess)
Move of the Promoted Bishop
the rook 'hisha' or flying chariot in shogi (Japanese chess)
Rook, “Hisha,” Flying Chariot : 
The same move as the western rook: as many spaces as desired forward, backward, left or right.

the promoted rook 'ryu' or dragon king in shogi (Japanese chess)
Promoted Rook, “Ryu” Dragon King : 
The move of the
rook or the move of the king.

move of the rook 'hisha' or flying chariot in shogi (Japanese chess)
Move of the Rook

move of the promoted rook 'ryu' or dragon king in shogi (Japanese chess)
Move of the Promoted Rook
the pawn 'fuhyo' or foot soldier in shogi (Japanese chess)
, “Fuhyo,” Foot Soldier : 
One space forward. Unlike the western pawn, this pawn captures using its normal forward move; it never moves diagonally.

the promoted pawn 'tokin' in shogi (Japanese chess)
Promoted Pawn, “Tokin” :
The same move as gold.

move of the pawn 'fuhyo' or foot soldier in shogi (Japanese chess)
Move of the Pawn
move of the promoted pawn 'tokin' in shogi (Japanese chess)
Move of the Promoted Pawn

Captures are made, as in western chess, by moving a piece onto a square occupied by an opposing piece. The piece is removed from the board and placed on the side of the board, to the player’s right (or, traditionally, on a special platform called koma).

Dropping Pieces into Play
If a player has pieces “in hand” (those captured, waiting off the board), he may choose, instead of moving one of his pieces on the board, to place ( or “drop”) one of these captured pieces into play, on any vacant square of the board. The piece is always dropped with its unpromoted value (black side) showing, even if it is dropped into the promotion zone (as described below).

The 7th, 8th and 9th rows (or ranks) on the board are the promotion zone. These are, in other words, the three rows on the far side of the board — the area in which the opponent’s pieces are originally set up. When a move is made on the board (not dropped), and the piece begins and/or ends its move within the promotion zone, the player has the option of promoting the piece. When the piece is promoted, it is flipped over, to show its promoted value (red side). It maintains its promoted value until it is captured, or until the end of the game.

A Few More Rules
Note these special cases and their rules:
1) A player may not drop a pawn onto a file (a column of squares running front to back) which already contains one of his own pawns. Only one pawn per file! This rule does not apply to files occupied by promoted pawns.
2) A pawn may not be dropped to give checkmate (winning the game) on that move.
3) No piece may be moved or dropped onto a square from which it will have no possible future move. For instance, a pawn, knight or lance can not be dropped onto the 9th row. A knight, for the same reason, may not be dropped onto the 8th row. If a pawn, knight or lance moves onto one of these rows, it must promote, so that it will have a possible future move from that square.
4) None of the pieces, except the knight, may jump over another piece as it moves.

* Note in pronunciation: g is always hard as in “geese” ; i is always pronounced “ee”.

Elaborado por Oscar Perez

Arquitecto especialista en gestion de proyectos si necesitas desarrollar algun proyecto arquitectonico en Bogota contacteme en el 3196955606 o visita mi pagina en

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Elaborado por Oscar Perez

Licencias de construccion, diseño y construccion - Arquitectura en Bogota contacteme en el 3196955606 o visita mi pagina en